As an Amazon Seller, you must have at some point considered launching your own private label brand. In order to do so effectively, it will be necessary to register a trademark. The main function of a trademark is to prevent other sellers from being able to attach their offers against your branded ASINs.
Once you have a registered trademark, you will be able to apply for the Amazon Brand Registry. Some of its main benefits include:
Automated protections: When you provide data about your brand, products, and intellectual property, Amazon implements predictive protections using advanced machine learning that stop unauthorized listings before they get published.
Report a Violation: Search Amazon catalog with ease to look for potential trademark, copyright, patent, and design right violations. Should you find an infringement, simply use available tools to report them.
Brand Registry Support: Receive assistance with resolving technical issues, listing issues, marketplace policy violations, and more.
With Amazon Brand Registry, you can also apply for other brand programs, including Transparency, Project Zero, A+ Content and Sponsored Brands.